This bug happens everytime I open studio. This started happening after recently updating studio, the UI Editor just stopped appearing.
Here is a place that this happens in:
I’ve tried changing size to Scale and Offset, adding other GUI objects, editing UI in another place but the UI Editor just won’t show up.
I am running windows 10 and i7, MX150 graphics.
Other devs I know also reported the same problem of the UI Editor not appearing. This also appears to be happening for other built-in plugins like the toolbox and terrain editor.
Doesn’t happen for me, in team create or not. It’s interesting that the 2/4/16 studs are greyed out because they’re not a plugin.
Can someone who is experiencing this post a screenshot of their Plugins tab? Actually, if someone wanted to take a screenshot of every tab that would probably be pretty helpful for engineers since random, non-plugin things are disabled.
Is it 100% reproducible? I.e. does it still happen if you reopen Studio?
My plugins in plugins tab went missing just now, I had to go to pluginmanager and make the plugins inactive and active again to get them back, but now I don’t have animation and other plugins.
After exiting and re-entering studio, I only have the plugins that I made inactive and active again. (still no animation editor)
I turned on the “New games in the cloud” beta feature and this issue immediately happened to me upon opening a new template game. Turning it off again seems to have fixed the problem (judging only by the plugin tab).
Oh, that list of stud intervals is only enabled when the Show Grid option is enabled (@ZacBytes). It looks like only plugins are disabled, builtin or otherwise.