Hi, I’m working on a educational game for learning how to develop on roblox, learning math and more. Im looking for some feedback on my ui for it!
That’s really good! Keep the good work up!
Looks nice. Though what I do recommend is size the Roblox logo to look better and make the logo color white instead of black. Under the “No thumbnail found” box, the text has no spacing under the box. Give some spacing to the text. For the menu button, maybe put an outline/border around the rounded square. Overall, the UI is looking nice.
Its pretty nice, but I’d personally use the dark theme of the official roblox website and utilize its layout for these type of games.
Lua Learning is a good example of this, except for the layout. Its simplistic, but works which is critical in UI creation.
This is a good example. Use the layout of what this has, and maybe make a upvotes/downvotes system for tutorials and etc.
Just an idea.
Besides that, great job so far!