Working on some UI for a plugin thingy, wanted some feedback
Note its not finished yet
Looks good, are you going to add something in the bland space? Looks empty without anything there, but good work!
the buttons all like 3d and unfitting with 2d background and looks unpolished. however every thing else looks fine. i suggest making the buttons look flat. remove the UI gradient and perhaps instead make a separate frame on top with a higher zindex all black and transparency 0 to 1 with a rotation of -90. set ur offset as u like. from memory i recommend .5
this user interface looks oh so very bland. the colors don’t go together at all. when you eventually release this plugin, I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends up being a scam, there’s so much unused space on the screen that I could practically lease it out for a corporate pizza party. it’s that empty
As of now this is a base, and from looking at it as of now (not the current image) it has taken some major improvements.
Along with that if you are to leave feedback, insulting people is not an allowed version of it, somewhere in the rules state your feedback must be helpful in some way, such as instructive criticism, of which you have not provided whatsoever. Let that be a lesson to you.
Ok, didnt do this exactly, but its looking better already! Thanks!
I have since filled up some more space! Thanks for the feedback!
it looks great! i like the subtle gradients on the buttons.
This UI looks great! Nice job on it! How long did it take to create this UI? What plugin will it be used for? I think the entire UI is a bit small, but that might be because of the screenshot. I’d say make it all bigger if you want to, especially the text. It’s cool!
Hmm I think it took 30 minutes to an hour.
Looking at it, you might be right on it being small, Ill look into it.
Its a custom debugger for my game, the point was mainly so I can just display some values from the server to the client easier, but I may have gotten carried away with it lol.
Thanks :]