I have made a script where when the script recieves the remote event, it teleports the player to another game place and makes a frame visible. However the frame does not become visible. I have also added prints in the script and that works fine.
Furthermore, when I look in the explorer the frame is visible, but it is not showing on my screen when i play test it. Any Help?
local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local MMlogo = script.Parent
if MMlogo then
MMlogo.Visible = false
local TeleportPlayerRemote = ReplicatedStorage.TeleportPlayer
local placeId = 127328420928633
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
MMlogo.Visible = true
print("MMlogo visible")
TeleportService:Teleport(placeId, player)
Where is this script located? inside the teleport game or in the parent game? and where is the frame you want to make visible? again inside the teleport game or the parent game?
The logo to be visible when the player joins? or when the player is teleporting or before the teleport, sorry Im asking so many questions, im just trying to understand the situation.
When i checked in the explorer, the MMlogo is already visible but it doesn’t show on my screen. The logo is to be visble when the remote event has been recieved. And the MMlogo is to be invisible when the player joins.
Interesting, check if the image is transparent rather than visible, alternatively I would set a custom teleport UI, you can use TeleportService:SetTeleportGui(). But it might not be what you want.
Im out of ideas then, the script seems to be fine, if the rest of the properties are to what they should be, there shouldn’t be a problem, maybe try to teleport them on the server and send a remote to show the UI? Im not sure how else otherwise.