"UI Gradient" Breaks Text Button

I was trying to use UIGradient on a Text button, but when I applied it the text disappeared. The text will only show up if I change the text color to black. but I need it to be white. Changing the text button background color also didn’t fix it, it just made the gradient darker. From what I see the gradient only shows up in parts of the text that are white. What should I do?

White Background
White Text

Gradient fully visible. Text is invisible

Black Text

Gradient doesn’t show in black parts

Black Background
White Text

Gradient shows through white parts (The text)

Black Text

No Gradient is shown

Please let me know if someone has a solution.
Thank you

You could maybe add a Frame and insert a Text Button, add the gradient to the Frame and then continue with the Text Button, that should fix it!

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Thanks, that seems to have worked!