UI help. Need to make it look better

Hello! I made buttons and seperated them by screenguis It looks fine on mobile but on PC it looks all spread apart and small. Is there anyway to fix this?


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Yes and no. You should have a mix of Scale and Offset for the scaling of the GUI, but itā€™s better to go with Scale for everything than Offset for everything.

You might be using a UIAspectRatio or some UIConstraint that is giving an undesired effect.

Edit: Also, some UI elements like icons in the UI are not aligned properly. ā€˜Menuā€™ and the ā€˜plusā€™ icon/text. It might be the font you are using and/or how youā€™ve positioned the UI.

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Use AnchorPoint to make the position same on all devices. I donā€™t know about the size, sorry.

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Oh im not too good at anchor point can you show me how to use it?

The AnchorPoint property determines the origin point of a GuiObject, relative to its absolute size . The origin point determines from where the element is positioned (through GuiObject. Position) and from which the rendered GuiObject. Size expands. An Anchor Point I see many people use is {0.5, 0.5} , it puts the origin of the frame smack dab in the middle of the frame, allowing you to center the frame with the position {0.5, 0}, {0.5, 0} . If you need more help, just ask me.

So what should I set the anchor point for them to stick near each other?

Position them how you would like and set the Anchor Point to 0.5, 0.5. It will make the UI objects positioned correctly on ALL devices.

here is how it looks with anchor point. Do you know why?

The AnchorPoint should put the origin on the left corner, which will make it move a bit, you can just drag it back, itā€™s just supossed to do that

Edit: You also need to put AnchorPoint on the objects inside the UI object.

yeah but there is another problem. here is how it looks on mobile

Sorry for late reply!

You can either use a plugin or UIAspectRatioConstraint to scale the UI objects properly. UIAspectRatioConstraint is a bit complicated, so I prefer using the AutoScale Lite plugin.

Now, Iā€™m not really knowledge with this one. But, Iā€™m sure there are tutorials on both DevForum and YouTube. Hope this helps!

Hello! For some reason I do indeed have UiRatios in and I used the autoscale Lite plugin. Here is the picture did I do anything wrong?

You canā€™t use both UIAspectRatio and the AutoScale Lite plugin.
Delete the UIAspectRatio and then add a constraint using the AutoScale Lite plugin.

Hi I did all of your steps again here is how it looks still
sorry for the late reply!

are you there? I think you left.

Hey, Iā€™m very sorry for your waiting. Iā€™m busy with my exams. Try using the Unit Conversation tab in the AutoScale Lite plugin. Just click ā€œScaleā€ at the ā€œSizeā€ tab. If that doesnā€™t work, Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s the source of this problem.

hello again! And no problem. But when I convert everything to scale it just looks like this

oh god. I have no idea whatā€™s causing this, this should have not happened. I donā€™t know, try looking for other topics.

I found it out! I just had to set the other images to scale as well! Thank you for helping!

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