Hello, I’m making a inventory system and the system works fine. But the issue is I cant see the ui. It’s literally there but we can’t see it. Visible is true, zindex is bigger than other uis and etc.
The part of the script where I copy the sampleui and put it into the holder frame (server script)
for _, fish in pairs(inventory:GetChildren()) do
local fishUI = RS:WaitForChild("FishSample"):Clone()
fishUI.Parent = Holder
fishUI.Name = fish.Name
fishUI.Visible = true
local priceAttribute = fish:GetAttribute("Price")
local rarityAttribute = fish:GetAttribute("Rarity")
local imageId = fish:GetAttribute("ImageId")
fishUI:SetAttribute("Price", priceAttribute)
fishUI:SetAttribute("Rarity", rarityAttribute)
fishUI.Image = imageId