UI learning part 3

Hello! Welcome to part 3 of me trying to learn UI design, soooo what are your thoughts on these icons?


It’s official guys, its been 1 week since I started UI design!

I really like it! The only thing that’s strange is the Inventory, it is 3D while the others aren’t
Other than that good job!


Once im finished what i’m doing ill look into changing it, but thank you!

Another thing, h see you’re changing style between buttons, you might want to change that

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which ones, stand out the most?

6/10, why?

  1. The icons you got are free assets that have differences, and are not the same theme.

Example, the Shop Button doesn’t have a outline, while the Trade does. And the Settings Button has a outline but has gaps.


  1. The text sizes are pretty messed up.

The inventory one is to the side a little bit, and the leaderboard one feels too big.

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Why? Its good practice using other peoples asset’s, I’m not selling, any of this using any of this, I’m just playing around with how it would look first off, it’s also my first week doing this so give me a break jeez

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I’m giving you constructive criticism, not being harsh. But yeah, the buttons are pretty solid for only 1 week, keep up the work :wink:


Sorry, I have thing where I get very defense for no reason LOL, its just my personality, but thank you @LuaCoold


The ones with the whole outline are my favourites

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I just realized your only putting icons.
If you are what I wrote doesnt rlly matter but consider them if you make it a real GUI

First off “Inventory” isn’t centered,
and second off the buttons aren’t grid locked (Not sure if this is intentional but it would most certainly look better) And they all are unevenly spaced.

Fixing the “Inventory”:
Easy fix would just be setting the X anchorPoint to 0.5, and its X scale to 0.5.
I highly recommend always making UI dynamically scale to other screens.

Fixing the button positions (grids!!!)
Just add a UI grid layout in your frame for them.
Make sure all the text is inside of your butttons so they actually stick to them.

anchorpoint is the center of a ui object. the anchorpoint goes to the position
anchorpoint is also based of a percentage of the ui’s scale. 1=100%, 0=%

I highly recommend checking these out too.

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