UI looks good in studio but not in game

My UI has the position and size scaled and it looks good in studio but when i go in game itself on roblox, it messes up a bit. I am not that great with UI so any help is appreciated so I can learn how to fix it. Thanks!


(studio aka how i want it to look)

i dont really know theres people who knows more than i do in this field but i believe there are plugins out there like an auto UI scale that fixes this

The issue seems to be your UI doesn’t fit well to all screens. It’s not a non-studio issue. When you go out of studio you don’t have all the studio buttons on the screen so the screen is in a different screen size. Use the tool for seeing the size on different device screens when checking if it fits all screens. Make sure you’re using scale and always keeping offset at 0.

Idk if im doing something wrong it looks fine when i test with devices but still in game it does not look as intended :sweat_smile:

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I’m not sure the issue then i guess maybe try setting anchor points

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I just did this as you were already typing this and it worked. I feel like a noob :joy:
Thanks for the help!

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Next time, go to test → devices, or scale your studio window size :D

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Thanks I will lol, any other tips let me know so I can improve on that