UI moving right when screen size increases

When screen size increases, the blue button moves right. Both buttons are using scale for position and size and both of them have a UISizeConstraint

Screenshot 2024-01-29 234203


Use offset if u don’t want the UI to move

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isnt it the other way around though?

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Scale is relative to the Screen
Offset is not relative to anything

Example for offset:
if you have a 1920x1080 screen, and set the position offset Y to 30px
It will be 30px from the top
if you have a 3840x2160 screen, and set the position offset Y to 30px
It will be 30px from the top too


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Im not good with UI’s but this is good as example I guess.

You have to use scale and offset and try a bit around until you like the result


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