UI objects are being dragged down in game

Hey! I’m trying to make a button for codes and a cooldown bar but their position keeps getting lower on the Y axis in-game. I’ll show you (they’re scaled, just in case):

Buttons in Studio (the bird one):

Buttons in game (as you can see, the bird button is closer to the bottom):


Bar in Studio (the white one):

Bar in game (don’t care about the smaller size because it is tweened, just focus on the position):

Thank you for reading!


You have uiaspectratio constraint and are using scale instead of offset?

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I’m not using UI Apsect ratio, but the ImageButton shouldn’t move from its position anyways.

Are you using AutoScale? and UI Constraints? if not try reading this topic:


Tried to use the plugin (I already use another plugin to auto scale/offset the size/position of UI objects) but didn’t work, also added a UIAspectRatioConstraint (using the plugin) and didn’t work.
What else do you think may cause the problem here?

Thank you for replying!

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Have you followed the instructions? you need to open the Unit Conversion and select all of your GUI, and click at the “Size > Scale” and also click at AddConstraint while selecting all GUI.

Are the buttons under a frame? You can place those buttons under a transparent frame and use the scale value instead which sorts out everything. I kind of suspect the bird icon may have a different anchor point or perhaps offset which makes it look off as compared to the rest of the buttons. In the case of the bar issue, that’s probably because either one of those frames aren’t set to scale. Keep in mind that whenever you change your resolution of the display in studio, they would also affect the Ui generally so keep in mind that you’re using the same resolution before scaling them. Hope it helps!

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