UI Oversized Bug

Hello, I’m PLX, and I made a Roblox game, however, the UI seems to be too big in the game, that’s a major problem, and I think it should be fixed ASAP. I’ve also scaled the UI, so that’s not the problem, in the studio, it appears to be normal, but in the game, it appears too big…

Here are some screenshots:

In studio:


So can anyone tell me what’s wrong?


Your size factors should be decimal numbers to accurately scale for all devices. An easy way is to just set your UI to size {1, 0}, {1, 0} and rescale it from there.

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the buttons on the left side’s size is {0.45,0,0.45,0}

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Maybe try making them look smaller in studio if they are resizing to that. You could try a UISizeConstraint, but idk if that would work.

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I’ll try that right now, I will let you know if it did work or not.


I tried making them smaller but it still appears big…

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Everything in studio appears smaller than it actually is. You need to resize your GUIs.

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Did you design your UI in Roblox Studio window, or you changed it to a device, like pc (1920x1080px)? Also, can you share a picture of the properties of the UI please?

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Your ingame screen size is smaller than your studio screen size. Consider AnchorPoints and IgnoreGuiInset

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hey, the screenshots have different resolutions
(see here)

have you tried using an AspectRatioConstraint for your ui?

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I did try using AspectRatioConstraint… and it still makes it bigger

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I did that as well too, and it still makes it larger…

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try using a plugin, autoscale lite, or somewhat like that, or just remove the ui aspect ratio constraint and perhaps the uiscale?


hey, I tried that and it worked, thank you!

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np, wow, this is one of my first solutions lol


what did you do with autoscale lite?

Your problem was UISizeConstraint and UIScale, avoid using those if it’s not strictly necessary

why did you not said that early bruh, u could have beaten me

The UIScale is actually nessesary for me, its for animations

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