Ui scaling help

So typically when scaling a ui it goes from right to left but my ui will have 2 bars one that measures % for blue and one for red team and I want to scale them but make sure they don’t ever show the background they are on so blue can be 30% while red is 70% or just make sure the percent add up to 100%

You could set the anchor point of blue to (0,0) and the anchor point of red to (1, 0). Then just set their sizes, so that if blue is set to a scale of 0.3, then the scale of red should be set to 0.7 (which is 1 - the scale of blue).
If you set the positions of the UI to be 0,0 and 1,0 (in terms of scale), then the anchor points should take care of position when changing the size

Not sure what this means. Increasing a UI element’s width will grow it from left to right.

Enforce this rule in whatever script you’re writing to update the UI. As for UI elements, I’d personally have a frame containing two bars (made from frames) and a UI list layout to arrange them horizontally with no padding/separation. Your script would be dynamically updating the widths of the bars.

I want to have 2 progress bars in one frame they must be scaled to cover the entire frame