UI Scaling Help!

So I had a problem with scaling and resizing screen, but I had figured that out thanks to the people that commented on my other post, but I have another problem come up. When having multiple UI next to each other, and scaling down or using emulator, they shrink different ways. I’m not sure how to fix this, if you put them both in a frame would that work? Here are some screenshots.

Screen Shot 2020-02-04 at 9.26.44 PM Screen Shot 2020-02-04 at 9.27.06 PM

If anyone could help like last time that would be amazing, there may be another post on this, but I’m not sure. Right now it is relative XX. Thank you!


Hey there, honestly the easiest solution I found for this problem is to place the two frames into a larger frame (which covers the area you want it to cover) and scale based on that. That way your objects stay relative to the size of the box and your box stays relative to the screen size.

I mean the only other way I can think of would be to use a script to factor in the actual size of the box above and then add that to the y offset so it would be adjusted, I would only really do this if your confident with your coding though as you can easily do it without it.

Hope this helped. Depending on how you scripted your buttons will depend on how much changing you should do. If you have a single big script doing it, it will just be adding another pointer whereas if the script is bound to the text it will just be the same except you’ve now got a scaling box. Have fun.