UI Scaling Problem


Im trying to scale and position the UI for all Devices, however that does not seem to work

This is how its supposed to look:

and this is how it looks like on an iphone 14

Here are the properties of the white bar

Here is the properties of the logo

I’ve tried using both Scale and Offset, or only using offset or scale. none worked


Use a UIListLayout and make it horizontal. This will automatically, properly scale everything.

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yeah but what about this?

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What do you mean by that? Can you explain more?

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I want the logo to not to collide with the White Frame.

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Yeah so I told you to use a UIListLayout. Have you tried that?

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the white frame and logo are supposed to be seperate.

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So adjust the padding of the UIListLayout then?

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okay so this is the reference image.
The buttons are supposed to be close to the logo, no padding change. i just want the logo to stay in the same position as it is on a pc without it colliding into the white bar.

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Ohhhhh okay I got it now. I was heavily misunderstanding this at first. It’s weird though because when I tested it didn’t occur for me.

Maybe just remove the offset for the size?

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offset for which? the topbar or the logo? when i use scale it won’t stay the same for all devices and will look weird.

The logo uses aspectratioconstraint

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P:S if ur asking for the white bar, it already does use scale, though if i change it to offset the same thing will happen.

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uiaspectraidoconstant maintains the aspect ratio so it’s causing this issue, use uilisilayout parented to the blue bar.


any idea how to get the logo and the white frame close together? sorry im new to uilistlayout lol

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Just like how I said, use the UiListLayout set it’s filldirection to Horizontal and adjust the padding to your likings.

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For the logo. Set it’s X size to 1. As you using aspect ratio, then no need for it to be limited.

If it now touches the white bar, then adjust the white bar accordingly.

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Problem is that it won’t move the logo

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Sorry for late response, was sleeping* anyways to fix this, use UIPadding and set it’s PaddingLeft to anything you find good.


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