UI Scroll Frame, adjust position of layout, y axis

I used a uigridlayout, I have tampered with the cell padding and cell size, is there a way to adjust the images to give some space between the border and the image itself?

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If I understood (coz i’m French), you want to separate borders from Frames.

You can create a first Frame (which is your cell) and set background transparency to 1. Then you create a UIStroke (your border - you can customise color, transparency, type, …) and a UIPadding (the distance between border and cell background) in your cell. And finally, you can add another Frame in you cell which is your cell’s background. So in the explorer it would be like :

  • UIGridLayout - Your grid layout
  • Frame - Cell
    • UIStroke - Border
    • UIPadding - Distance between background and border
    • Frame - Background
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What I do is just put an image frame or button inside the background frame

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