Ui Scrolling bar scales How to fix?

hello there been working with scrolling frames for some time and uigridlayout and been having some problems with how to scrolling bar scales

So you want the items on the list to always be the same size? And like scale with the screen so they dont look bigger the smaller the screen is?

If so can I see the properties for your UIGridLayout?
This looks like a problem of you using Offset instead of scale but lets see just in case

no look at the scrolling bar to the right you can see when the resolution it’s changed it changes the size so if you are on the phone it will look pretty big in size, for 1920 it looks good but for phone sizes it will cover a lot of the screen

Ohhh that. Well to my knowledge I dont think roblox scales the bar . . . that sounds ridiculous let me look it up.

Ok from a quick google search the size value for the bar is controller by offset so you are gonna need to use some coding methods to figure out how big the bar should be.

Alright so can’t be done with ui work, thank you so much

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