UI Showcase for my game

Hello There!

This is my First Post and I’ll Show my Gui Design for my game “Punches”

Please tell me the pros and cons? is this good?

( Sorry for the Windows Text :slightly_smiling_face: )

Thank you.


Hello, I’m here to tell you that I really like your UI!


Simplistic: Really pleasing for the eyes since there isn’t a storm of frames on your screen.

Colour palette: I really like the colours you chose since… well… they just match the UI and they are also pleasing for the eyes.

Font: You’ve actually chosen a font that works well with the UI.

CONS (Not a lot actually since I like it):

The yellow rank in the leaderboard has all the text yellow except for the level? The red one has all the text red and the white one has all the text white.

The bar in the top left (probably a level bar) is a little too big (at least for me).

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Red one is a Owner Frame, Yellow is Admin Frame and Last Frame is for the Normal Players.

Yes for the level UI its a really big, i need to set it again.

Thank you for your Comment! :slight_smile:

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No problem! Just saying that the Admin Frame has red text at the level section.

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ahh… This red text is red for all players who have reached Level 80 because Max level 80.

Ah, I see! That’s a very nice touch.

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