UI Slightly Moves Down

Hi! I have a problem where my UI slightly moves down. Here’s what I mean:

Normal ratio in studio:

UI in a different device:

I want the UI to be like in studio where it’s directly at the top. This slight gap might be the cause of the UIAspectRatioConstraint I used but I don’t know.

My Explorer:

The credits are the yellow one and the tokens the copper one

Is there any way to fix this? If so, how could I do it. I would like to keep the AspectRatioConstraints.

Thanks in advanced!


maybe check if ur anchor point is .5.5?

It is, what value should I set it to instead? Edit: I set it to 0,0 and I still get the same problem.

I found the solution, I just added an UIAspectRationConstraint to the container.

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