UI Stroke creating hollow areas

I was using the “UI Stroke” feature but it leaves little holes inside some of the text, some numbers or characters are fine.

It’s very minor but still draws your attention and was just wondering if their is a fix

Font: Luckiest Guy

Screenshot 2024-12-02 232706
Screenshot 2024-12-02 231631

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I think thats just a font thing?

Yes it is. I was thinking just to put a frame behind the words that are the same color and transparency so that it hides it as a temporary fix.

This is probably your only option, apart from changing the font or maybe making the stroke larger at the expense of looking good.
I find roblox UIStrokes a bit unreliable at times and often I will just make text labels myself in a program like getpaint.net with the desired stroke. If it’s something you need dynamically changed though, like what I see you using, I don’t think there’s a fix.

Ok, thanks for the reply ill stick to what I mentioned above.