UI Stroke doesn't show in game

I have a UI object that has the beta feature enabled “UI Stroke”. These look amazing and improve my UI amazingly! The only problem is when I am scaling the UI to fix mobile, the UI stroke disappears on certain devices. In Studio mobile testing it works fine, but when I test it in the actual game, it fails. How would I fix this?

UIStroke is not live on the client, it’s currently still a Studio beta. When a feature is in a Studio beta that means that the feature can only be used while developing in Studio. Said feature will not be active in production environments until it’s live on the client.

See this post for the most recent update as well as UIStroke’s announcement thread:

There’s no fix for this since this behaviour you’re seeing is intentional. You will have to wait until it goes live on clients for it to show in games. For now, feel free to fiddle around with it in Studio and see what kinds of UIStroke properties fit your use case. :slight_smile:

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