UI Sway and Tilt not accurate

I was working on this UI Sway and Tilting that depends on the mouse movement, and when I tested it in Roblox (Not Studio) the sway movement was less than it is in Studio. How can I fix this? I even tried to make it so it gets the screen scale with workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize, but it barely helped me.

This is how it looks in Studio:

And This is how it looks In-game:

This is the script:

local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local Screen = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Screen
local Scale = (Camera.ViewportSize.X/16 * Camera.ViewportSize.Y/9) / 6726
local DefaultPosition = Screen.Position
local DefaultRotation = Screen.Rotation
local Offset = DefaultPosition
local Rotation = DefaultRotation
local X, Y = 0, 0
--Module >
local Module = {}
--Functions >

local function Lerp(a, b, m)
	return a + (b - a) * m

function Module.new()
	RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function(DeltaTime: number)
		local MouseDelta = UserInputService:GetMouseDelta()
		local Magnitude = math.clamp(Vector2.new(MouseDelta.X, MouseDelta.Y).Magnitude, 0, 1) * 3
		Rotation = Lerp(Rotation, math.clamp(MouseDelta.X, -1, 1) * Magnitude, DeltaTime * 5)
		Offset = UDim2.fromOffset(Lerp(X, MouseDelta.X * 10 * Scale * Camera.ViewportSize.X/16/78.3125, DeltaTime * 5), Lerp(Y, MouseDelta.Y * 10 * Scale * Camera.ViewportSize.X/9/85.8888, DeltaTime * 5))
		TweenService:Create(Screen, TweenInfo.new(0.2, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {Position = DefaultPosition + Offset, Rotation = Rotation}):Play()

return Module

The object called Screen is just an invisible Frame with 1,1 size in scale (covers the entire screen)

NOTE: my UI system works with modules for priotritized loading and other details, so the script is a module

Try using this lerp formula

I just did and the results are still the same.

Maybe try multiplying the DeltaTime by 15 instead of 5?
It’s not certain but I know there’s a difference between the studio and Roblox player, Not really sure about that tho so don’t mark my words…

I just tried some things and found that it’s because of the FPS. It works the same with Studio if i change my FPS limit to 60. I just made some changes on the script now it also works the same on other FPS limits like 240. The only issue is that the UI now moves way too much

Here’s the script with the changes:

local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local Screen = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Screen
local DefaultPosition = Screen.Position
local DefaultRotation = Screen.Rotation
local ScreenOffset = DefaultPosition
local Rotation = DefaultRotation
local X, Y = 0, 0
--Module >
local Module = {}
--Functions >

local function Lerp(a, b, m)
	return a + (b - a) * m

local function GetFPSMultiplier(DeltaTime: number)
	local FPS = math.round(1/DeltaTime)
	return FPS/60

function Module.new()
	RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function(DeltaTime: number)
		local MouseDelta = UserInputService:GetMouseDelta() * GetFPSMultiplier(DeltaTime)
		local Magnitude = math.clamp(Vector2.new(MouseDelta.X, MouseDelta.Y).Magnitude, 0, 1) * 3
		Rotation = Lerp(Rotation, math.clamp(MouseDelta.X, -1, 1) * Magnitude, DeltaTime * 5)
		ScreenOffset = UDim2.fromScale(Lerp(X, MouseDelta.X * 10, DeltaTime * 5), Lerp(Y, MouseDelta.Y * 10, DeltaTime * 5))
		TweenService:Create(Screen, TweenInfo.new(0.2, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {Position = DefaultPosition + ScreenOffset, Rotation = Rotation}):Play()

return Module

I fixed it by converting the offset to scale, but there is still an issue where if you move your camera for a bit the ui just disappears.

local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local Screen = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Screen
local DefaultPosition = Screen.Position
local DefaultRotation = Screen.Rotation
local ScreenOffset = Screen.Position
local Rotation = Screen.Rotation
local X, Y = 0, 0
--Module >
local Module = {}
--Functions >

local function Lerp(a, b, m)
	return a + (b - a) * m

local function GetFPSMultiplier(DeltaTime: number)
	local FPS = math.round(1/DeltaTime)
	return FPS/60

local function OffsetToScale(Offset: UDim2)
	local ViewportSize = Camera.ViewportSize
	return UDim2.fromScale(Offset.X.Offset / ViewportSize.X, Offset.Y.Offset / ViewportSize.Y)

function Module.new()
	RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function(DeltaTime: number)
		local MouseDelta = UserInputService:GetMouseDelta() * GetFPSMultiplier(DeltaTime)
		local Magnitude = math.clamp(Vector2.new(MouseDelta.X, MouseDelta.Y).Magnitude, 0, 1) * 3
		Rotation = Lerp(Rotation, math.clamp(MouseDelta.X, -1, 1) * Magnitude, DeltaTime * 5)
		ScreenOffset = OffsetToScale(UDim2.fromOffset(Lerp(X, MouseDelta.X * 10, DeltaTime * 5), Lerp(Y, MouseDelta.Y * 10, DeltaTime * 5)))
		TweenService:Create(Screen, TweenInfo.new(0.2, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {Position = DefaultPosition + ScreenOffset, Rotation = Rotation}):Play()

return Module