UI text visual effects

Hey everyone,

I’m currently working on adding some visual effects to text labels in one of my projects, and I’m wondering if there are ways to achieve this without manually animating each label.

For instance, I’m interested in recreating the text fade-out effect seen in the bottom left corner of this video from Tears of The Kingdom (apologies for the low quality).

Has anyone experimented with similar effects or found any methods could help achieve this? Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Hey @RaspObsessed! How are you?

Analyzing the video, it is not possible to make the fade out effect where the TextLabel disappears in a somewhat of a smoke manner. However, I believe the alternative to achieve your goal is to do the same scope from the experience (i.e. game) “DOORS”. It would require a bit of scripting skills, but it is possible to find on YouTube:

Thanks for your response, @JuanGamerPlayz_RBLX! I appreciate your suggestion to check out the effect from “DOORS”. While it’s not exactly what I had in mind, it’s still helpful to consider different approaches. I’ll take a look and see if there are any elements I can adapt for my project.

That being said, I’m still curious about exploring other options to achieve a fade-out effect similar to the one seen in the video, or other similar effects that people may reply with.

Thanks again for your help!

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I wonder if maybe you could use the tech behind that 3D text plugin and position it relative to the screen to achieve the neon/bloom effect, and then use EditableMeshes to try and achieve something similar to the smoke dissolve?

You could also use EditableImages but I don’t think you’d get the same bloom effect this way.

That sounds like a promising approach. I’ll try to look into it and see if it could work in my project without being too complex. Thanks @cxmeels!


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