Good day Developers,
I am working on an admin panel and want to add a TextButton and if you click it it will copy the Discord Link.
Does anyone have a tutorial or script for me to do this?
Good day Developers,
I am working on an admin panel and want to add a TextButton and if you click it it will copy the Discord Link.
Does anyone have a tutorial or script for me to do this?
Not possible, only CoreScripts can do that (as of right now).
What’s a CoreScript? I don’t know anymore what it is. I heard before about it but I forgot it.
CoreScript is a special type of script that cannot be edited or ran by normal users. They are used by Roblox to handle built-in user interfaces found in the CoreGui
among other places. They can use API that is under the RobloxScriptSecurity security level.
The source code for CoreScripts can be found within Roblox’s content folder. In Windows, this is can be found at %localappdata%\Roblox\Versions\VERSION\ExtraContent\scripts\CoreScripts
Okay thank you. I hope there will be comming a function asap.
You can use TextBox | Roblox Creator Documentation instead. The player/admin can copy the string manually.
If they click it, it will disappear so they can’t copy it unless they wrote it themselves.
Also, not what he asked for.
You can disable ClearTextOnFocus property so that doesn’t happen.
Still not what he wants, but a clever option if anything.
It was already explained in the first post it is quite litterally impossible due to the limitations roblox puts on developers in terms of user device interaction. Therefore I and others are just stating most closely resembling alternatives regardless. It is a pity yes, that it is impossible for his request to be fulfilled.
Not possible, best way to implement this is to just have a textbox, make sure its ClearTextOnFocus & TextEditable properties are set to false, then whatever text is inside the textbox will remain unchanged & can be easily highlighted, copied & pasted.