UI Title feedback

Hi! I am making a game and I finally decided to make my own title(that I actually put some effort into). This is my first title that I’ve ever created so it may not be the best. Is there any places on where I can improve? Thank you!

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Hello! This is a really good title, a few problems though. First, you can make the “clash!” not so apart from eachother. Lastly, you can make the outline of white so it can reach the bottles.

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This right here looks kinda weird in my opinion, and the most outer white outline could stand apart a bit, it all looks very… WHITE y’know?


Looks nice, Is it is supposed to look like this?


Other then that, Keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

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Thank you everyone for the feedback! I have a better understanding on what I need to improve now :slight_smile:

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