UI Window zooming


Currently most UI designers use external software to create UI due to Studios limited resources. I obviously don’t expect Roblox to add a full-on UI experience for Studio, as that is unnecessary. Although, even for the importing of external-made UI, some basic tools are needed.

Firstly, a separate window for UI editing. With the workspace practically being the UI editor, you often try to select UI, and end up selecting an object in the workspace. A separate window would be great.

Although the first feature is not needed since there are workarounds, here is one that is definitely and most importantly needed: zooming.
UI details, especially scaling and aligning, for the importing of external UI require us to be able to zoom in to see close pixels to make sure everything matches up and get our UI perfect. This is badly needed.

Please consider my points, most specifically the ability to zoom in on UI.



And not only, a lot more features would be needed, not too much tho, here’s a few I would like:
Other shapes other then squares/rectangles, ovals and circles
UI animation

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I’m not sure if this is the best approach to UI development. As a UI designer myself, I design various iconography, frames, patterns, etc. using Figma. Rather than trying to create the frames exactly as they are in Figma, I use components created that are combined with Roblox’s base UI instances (such as frames).

Taking this approach is most appropriate for accommodating all devices and screen ratios.

If you want to take it one step further on the programming side, just make the UI declarative.

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Yes this is what I and many other people have been doing.

No this is what I do as well. But the painful idea in this is that you have to do X/1920 and Y/1080 for every UI component to get the size it should be in Roblox, when you should be able to just size the image in Roblox without having to squint your eyes to see the corners of your frame.

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