I was trying to make a Radio so when I enter the text in a textbox it’d clone a frame with the text and if I were to send another message it’d clone under it, I’m using a UI list layout however it for some reason isn’t properly cloning.
My script:
local textboxconfirm = script.Parent.Parent.textboxenter.done
local textbox = script.Parent.Parent.textboxenter.TextBox
local frametoreplicate = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”).REPLICATION
frametoreplicate.Parent = script.Parent.Parent.ScrollingFrame
frametoreplicate.MESSAGE.Text = textbox.Text
My script only clones the text and the frame however the frame isn’t in a UI List layout.
I’ve checked F9 it shows no errors.
You have to save the clone as a variable and reference that for the parent and message.
local clone = frametoreplicate:Clone()
clone.Parent = script.Parent.Parent.ScrollingFrame
-- and so on
Kind of a common programming mistake for beginners.
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I tried that however that is not fixing my issue heres the script:
local textboxconfirm = script.Parent.Parent.textboxenter.done
local clone = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”).REPLICATION:Clone()
local textbox = script.Parent.Parent.textboxenter.TextBox
clone.Parent = script.Parent.Parent.ScrollingFrame
clone.MESSAGE.Text = textbox.Text
local textboxconfirm = script.Parent.Parent.textboxenter.done
local textbox = script.Parent.Parent.textboxenter.TextBox
local clone = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”).REPLICATION:Clone()
clone.Parent = script.Parent.Parent.ScrollingFrame
clone.MESSAGE.Text = textbox.Text
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