GuiObjects that possess the UIAspectRatioConstraint and UITextSizeConstraint will not resize their descendants accurately on Studio or on games when you resize the window and they are not visible on the screen at that point in time.
Reproduction steps:
Create any UI element with an UIAspectRatioConstraint parented to it.
Parent another child UI element to it and scale it and position it relative to the parent UI.
In-game, set the visibility of the main UI element to false (doesn’t matter if you use command bar or an actual script).
Drag the screen to be smaller.
Set the visibility of the main UI element back to true.
You should observed a warped iteration of the original element you had.
If you drag the screen again when it’s visible, it will automatically correct the issue.
This issue is occurring both in studio and in live games. I believe it started occurring recently, as this was not an issue I observed earlier with a similar interface base.
Reproduction File:
Resizing.rbxl (35.0 KB)