UIAspectRatioConstraint not scaling/positioning right

So I have this GUI and my goal was to make it look the same across devices.

My main issue was how it looked on ipad. Sort of squished:

So i tried using a UiAspectRatioConstraint to fix this. It looks fine on PC but it looks all weird on mobile devices. The shape is the same, sure, but positioning is off.

(on phone it’s completely off center)


If I’m not mistaken, you can “anchor” GUI frames to the center of the screen. Hope this helped.

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You can use negative numbers too! Just find what works with trial and error.

You should also update their positions after updating the property AnchorPoint to 0.5, 0.5. The middle of the center is now 0.5 in scale instead of 1.

Ah, nevermind guys. the issue was my bad, I tween the gui to a certain position when i open it and that position was set before changing the anchorpoint and other stuff. Thanks for the help!

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