UIBlox has already been configured First init traceback

Whenever I open an Experience (no matter which one), I get an warning message in the output (terminal) about something I have no idea about and have never received before.

UIBlox has already been configured
First init traceback:
CorePackages.Packages._Index.UIBlox.UIBlox.Core.Config.makeConfigurable:37 function init
Current init traceback:
CoreGui.RobloxGui.Modules.ContactList.ContactList.storybook:10 - Edit

I’m working with a MacBook Air M1 2020.


I was experiencing this issue and I believe I have found a fix. Go to File → Studio Settings. Then scroll to the bottom, and look for a setting labeled Load All Built-In Plugins In Test Mode, it may have gotten checked for you like it did for me. Unchecking this setting stopped the warnings from being printed to the output.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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Hi, apologies for the inconvenience. These messages are have no impact on your development and should go away in the next next release.

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Unfortunately I still experience this.

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Alr i checked again and it’s gone. Thanks.