UiCorner Broken?

Hi there, for some reason the instance Uicorner is kinda being broken right now and i dont know why, im doing this for my uidesigns on a imagelabel so i can round the sides.
I dont know if this is the right topic or not if it is i will change it after realizing.
Screenshot 2021-06-18 105050

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It looks like you are using more than 4 images, which is supposed to be only one image.

im not using more than one, its sort of looking like but the autogenerated corner is not placed right

At first, I had assumed you had messed something up, On second thoughts after experimenting with this, I’d say this does appear to be an issue.

I’ve sent a Bug-Report Request regarding the issue, If they deem it an actual issue I’ll update this post with the Bug Post.

UICorner creates corners in the wrong spots | Bug Report Post