UICorner [Live]

actually. the result is better since there is less of a performance drop

UI Corner beta makes it so much easier to make circular UI’s however, I would like to point out the fact that you can’t have borders when using it, I’d love for that to change.

Really? I will test it on Roblox Studio right now.

I experienced no performance drop while using it, I dunno what you’re talking about… :woman_shrugging:

The performance drop becomes visible on lower end devices. And its also listed on Cons of using UICorner

Oh sorry, didn’t read…

30 characters

NGL, looks pretty good in my opinion, but switch it up to what you like most. :smile:


Wow it’s not dream?

Amazing! Good job ROBLOX :smiley:

I am waiting for this feature and it’s come to Roblox!

Now I’m going test it!

Thank you Roblox so much for adding this!

I was thinking… Shouldn’t they have border support for these outlines? It overrides the border, I might go to 9-slice if border support isn’t added to UICorner within 8 months, click this link below, its just a .PNG file! http://u.cubeupload.com/SuperKamekView/uicorneroverridebord.png


This is A Good Update, Roblox Corporation Has Thought Well of Updates Lately :white_check_mark: Later Ill Test This

For me the description is talking about rich text instead of corners.


Can confirm as well


This is one feature that I have been waiting a very long time for. Can’t wait to see what else will be added to User Interfaces here on Roblox.

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I appreciated this, everyone needed this. It is very helpful in studio. Finally some excellent updates. :heart_eyes:

Ahh something good, thanks Roblox will try this out soon, no longer in need to use rounding plugins

Perhaps fix the blurring before it is officially released. I don’t see why this has been overlooked.


I don’t find it annoying, it can get a bit buggy in terms of visual though.

OMG!!! UICorner Works On Image Labels!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Before: (Some Kid’s Art from Roblox library)


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I’ve noticed a strange bug with this new feature. While designing this SurfaceGUI, the UICorners worked flawlessly. However, after restarting studio, it has completely broken and will only show the corners when AlwaysOnTop is enabled.

EDIT: This only seems to happen when Lighting.Technology is set to Future, and is not related to restarting studio as I previously said

The bug is shown in this video:


I do not know if someone posted this but:

When you put a UICorner in a Frame that is styled RobloxRound or RobloxSquare results in this:


I was just playing around and randomly found this :sweat_smile:

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