UICorner [Live]

Any Style property other than custom does this. I’ll show you some images.
Chat blue, green and red:
Roblox round and Roblox square:
(Also I wasn’t actually asking for Roblox to patch it, I was just pointing it out.)


There were already some plugins to do the same thing but it’s a nice feature anyway

I think the goal of the update is not having to rely on those plugins

Roundify and plugins alike don’t include as many features. For example, I don’t think you can tween the UI’s if you used Roundify.
I don’t tween or script often though, so I’m not 100% sure.
But you should still appreciate the fact that Roblox released a massively requested feature.


You can but its definitely more annoying

YESSSS I’m so happy. I have been waiting for a completely reliable rounded corner system for a loooong time. I’m so glad it is FINALLY HERE!

Thank you Roblox staff!!!


Good point. Though some people had to do this. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


can someone tell me if they have an estimated date to leave the beta? I put the UICorner in all my game without knowing that it wouldn’t work and now the players are charging me for updating, but without this tool it won’t be possible, I know I did it wrong …

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We might officially release this next week.


It’s technically already released, do you mean it will be out of beta and you can see the Round corners outside of studio?


You should be honest in polls.
People might think you’re crazy to vote ‘This is not good’ unless they look at the replies.
Last time I checked, a vote button doesn’t have feelings and is not alive, meaning you shouldn’t feel bad for it.
If you think UICorner is good, you should’ve voted ‘This is good.’
Giving your opinion is the whole part of a poll.


True, they are getting lots of great updates!
The reasoning is probably because of the virus and they have more time to listen to the community and push updates.

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I’m very excited to use this! Does this work with viewport frames?

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yes and others
30 chraracterrrr

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Any update on this? Is it happening?

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Another cool update :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

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Can not wait for this to come out of beta! It’s like Roundify, but more advanced. (I’m guessing ¯_(ツ)_/¯)


This looks very nice, however, if you add border pixel too, it’s even better.

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None of my scripts can do anything to the radius. Is this intentional?

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Been waiting for this FOREVER, we’ve had to use plugins to do this, and the result isn’t even that good!

Sorry, creators of the plugins…

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