UICorner not scaling properly across devices

With UI Corners, the smaller the screen is, the thicker the border gets and the rounder the corners get. How can I change this so they all look like the first image?

Average Laptop

iPhone 4S

I’ve tried looking into what AutoScale Plus does, but it doesn’t really seem to help with UI components

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You can fix the UICorner thing by using scale instead of offset, not sure about the border thickness though.


When applying the scale, do I need to apply it to the frame, or the UICorner itself?

The UICorner itself. Since changing the size of the frame will do nothing.

I tried doing it using the plugin’s Unit Conversion, but it didn’t do anything.

That won’t work, you need to do something like this:

0,8 - Don’t
.1,0 - Do

Mess around with the setting until it satisfies you.

That worked. Thanks! I did a little research and found out you actually can’t scale UIStroke, so I think I’ll need to use a decal instead to make the stroke effect

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