UIDragDetector blocking the .Activated and .MouseButton1Click events

Hello! I’m changing my team equipping system in my card game to allow for dragging+dropping cards to equip and move them around. I also want to keep my old system of just clicking a card to equip/unequip it due to dragging+dropping being annoying on mobile, but my issue is that the UIDragDetectors I have in each ImageButton blocks the Activated and MouseButton1Click events from ever being fired, instead firing the DragStart event.

Is there any way to have both? I’ve looked at the properties of the UIDragDetector and the only that I’ve found that works is disabling it, but then you can’t drag and drop them anymore so that’s not much of a solution.

maybe instead of dragging it, the location of the card gets updated to the players current mouse position until they drop it?

so for mobile that would be when they click the card the tracking would start, but since they let go with their finger, the system wouldn’t update the position until they put there finger back down to click on the desired position.

And for pc it would look like the card is being dragged except they wouldn’t need to keep holding the mouse button down.