UIDragDetectors max/min rotation limit does not work properly

Engine Bugs: UIDragDetectors max/min rotation limit does not work properly

The UIDragDetectors minimum / maximum rotation limits does not register the limit properly upon stopping dragging an UI part.


  • Join the testing world :: UIDragDetectors TestingWorld - Roblox
  • Goto “Properties and Parent Examples” then “MinMax Rotation”
  • Drag the MinMaxRotatation object to the full 90 degrees
  • Move it again to 90s in the same direction
  • The drag detector will take the last rotation point as the point 0

Example: Watch Euro Truck Simulator 2 2024.12.25 - | Streamable

Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 7900X 12-Core Processor (24 CPUs), ~4.7GHz
Memory: 65536MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 64696MB RAM
Page File: 43136MB used, 25655MB available
Windows Dir: C:\Windows
DirectX Version: DirectX 12
Card name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti

Expected behavior

The UIDragDetectors minimum / maximum rotation limits does not register the limit properly upon stopping dragging an UI part. So would like it to understand that the DragDetector is already at its maximum and allow it to return back instead of just going past the limit.


This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue and will start investigating, we will update you when we have further information.

Thanks for flagging!

1 Like

Thanks keep me posted, and let me know if you need more examples!

Hi, how are we doing with this? A status update would be great as its been almost a month.