April 5, 2024, 4:36am
Hello Developers or UI Designers!
I’ve made a new impactful module to make your UI designs come to life - introducing UIEmitter!
With UIEmitter you could:
Create celebratory confetti explosions for victories and milestones or even purchases.
Shower players with stars or sparkles when they level up or achieve a goal.
Mimic fire, smoke, rain, or magical auras within UI components.
Add gentle animations or moving patterns behind menus and screens.
Use shimmering effects or subtle trails to highlight important information.
Create subtle particle bursts on button clicks or hovers.
Heres some previews of some confetti I made from the module.
How to use
local UIEmitter = require(game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("UIEmitter")) -- get & require the module
local Emitter = UIEmitter.New() -- create a new screen gui dedicated to these emits
Example usage:
Size = Vector2.new(10, 10),
Position = Vector2.new(0, 0),
Acceleration = Vector2.new(0, 0),
Gravity = Vector2.new(0, 0),
FrictionCoefficient = 1,
LifeTime = 4,
Properties = {},
FadeIn = {
Duration = 1,
EasingStyle = Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,
EasingDirection = Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,
TweenProperties = {},
FadeOut = {
Duration = 1,
EasingStyle = Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,
EasingDirection = Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,
TweenProperties = {},
Texture = "",
Would you use this?
Yes, when I get the chance to.
I’m not sure.
Probably not.
No, sorry.
What do you think about UIEmitter?
Love it! Super easy to use and looks great.
Seems promising, but I’d like to see more features.
Fun to experiment with, not sure if it’s essential for my projects.
I wish it integrated better with my existing UI workflow.
Too complex for my needs.
I’ve encountered some bugs/performance issues.
Not worth the effort compared to other solutions.
Updated version
New version: Version 1-ea
Emit presets.
I’ve added a default preset called “Confetti”.
More default presets will be added in future versions.
Performance upgrades.
FadeIn & FadeOut tweens not playing.
Memory leaks.
How to use
Emitter:EmitPreset(Preset, Configs)
Example usage:
Emitter:EmitPreset("Confetti", {
Size = Vector2.new(3, 5),
Position = Vector2.new(100, 200),
ShootToPosition = Vector2.new(100, 100),
April 5, 2024, 8:47am
make a github repository about this, it would be way easier to give feedback!
edit: are you going to try and multi-thread this code for performance?
April 6, 2024, 4:08am
This is byfar one of the most unique modules out there I am 100% going to use this in the evorooms development!
Is it possible for the module to create an outline effect similar to what’s shown here?
Style: SciFi
Program Used: Roblox, paint.net , Gimp
Here’s a few prototype SciFi UIs I have been working on:
Since I am not an artist I use paint.net and Roblox to design UIs, occasionally I use gimp.
I’m a huge fan of glowy UIs with little eye candy / animated bits.
Still Images <a class="lightbox" href="//devforum-uploads.s3.dualstack.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/original/4X/6/c/f/6cf298ffd808eb317ad6f4bdd98fe632229b7217.png" data-download-href="/uploads/shor…
April 6, 2024, 4:47pm
Those effects are for buttons, not for particles. Although I don’t know what you’re trying to show me since there’s multiple effects in that message.
Can you be more specific?
April 9, 2024, 11:55pm
New version: Version 1-cb
This can be used on the server, and client. It’s used for gui objects like SurfaceGui and BillboardGui.
Some code optimization.
GitHub Repository
Roblox Marketplace
I’m getting an error when I try to distribute the module on marketplace. So I’m not sure if you can even get it. This is why I created the GitHub Repository.
If you want anything else to be added please tell me. I can’t read your mind.
May 26, 2024, 1:01am
New version: Version 1-ea
Emit presets.
I’ve added a default preset called “Confetti”.
More default presets will be added in future versions.
Performance upgrades.
FadeIn & FadeOut tweens not playing.
Memory leaks.
How to use
Look inside the default Confetti preset module for an example of how to make your own preset.
Emitter:EmitPreset(Preset, Configs)
Example usage:
Emitter:EmitPreset("Confetti", {
Size = Vector2.new(3, 5),
Position = Vector2.new(100, 200),
ShootToPosition = Vector2.new(100, 100),
AccelerationFraction = 10,
Gravity = Vector2.new(0, 0),
FrictionCoefficient = 1.02,
LifeTime = 1.3,
Get Version 1-ea
Roblox Creator Store
GitHub Repository
You mind showing the confetti example???
Is there a WIKI or documentation for this? How about more effects or showcase how effects can be created and utilized?
August 5, 2024, 3:32am
I gave you the emit code example. That’s all you should need.
I created the confetti preset, if you’re a scripter you would know what to do by learning how I did my preset.
October 30, 2024, 12:05am
Awesome module, lots can be built from this.
Ended up modifying the module slightly so Screen GUIs do get cleaned up after all particles are destroyed.
Would be neat to see a couple different presets, do you have this in source control anywhere? (git link dead)
October 30, 2024, 11:00pm
no i dont :<, my git got suspended
ill add like a :Destroy() thing for the next version that would be good probably
i agree, thanks