A minor typo, it’s Keypoints. Unfortunately, I’m quite convinced you cannot modify a NumberSequence. If you try to modify gradient.Transparency.Keypoints[1].Time, you’ll run into an error. As far as I’m up to date right now, you have to construct a new sequence.
And yes, I know, number sequences tend to be confusing. For now, just forget about the envelopes and assume they are 0. Time (between 0 and 1) and Value (between 0 and 1) are your primary concerns.
Time and value, time and value (and envelope).
Just experiment a little, at least that’s how I got familiar.
Well, sequences can’t be tweened, but at least we can change values manually. So the most basic transition has three key points.
The middle point is moved. Regular loop with linear easying can be enough, for additional easying effect TweenService:GetValue() returns the values tweens would use, except we can now determine the step (alpha value/percent). Even creating a NumberValue, tweening it, and using it as a parameter while the tween is playing shouldn’t cause any considerable performance issues.
Quick example with three points.
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local gradient = script.Parent:WaitForChild("UIGradient")
local transparencySeqIn = {}
local transparencySeqOut = {}
local NumSequence = NumberSequence.new
local NumSeqKeypoint = NumberSequenceKeypoint.new
gradient.Transparency = NumSequence{NumSeqKeypoint(0,1), NumSeqKeypoint(1,1)}
-- Calculate sequence of sequences in advance
do local t: number
for i=.05, .95, .05 do
t = TweenService:GetValue(i, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
transparencySeqOut[#transparencySeqOut+1] = NumSequence{
NumSeqKeypoint(0,0); NumSeqKeypoint(t,0); NumSeqKeypoint(1,1);
for i=.95, .05, -.05 do
t = TweenService:GetValue(i, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
transparencySeqIn[#transparencySeqIn+1] = NumSequence{
NumSeqKeypoint(0,0); NumSeqKeypoint(t,0); NumSeqKeypoint(1,1);
local function GradientTransition(reverse: boolean)
for _,sequence in ipairs(reverse and transparencySeqIn or transparencySeqOut) do
gradient.Transparency = sequence
gradient.Transparency = reverse and NumSequence(1,1) or NumSequence(0,0)
-- test
while true do
(I figured storing sets of number sequences is not a bad idea. Could be even smoother, include some rotation and perhaps one more key point, but it should be enough to illustrate the concept.)