First of all, I don’t know if this is the right category, I am just guessing since it is GUI.
Anyway. I came across a little problem with my GUI which is a custom player list. So the problem is when the game starts and not in the editor itself.
So I use a UIGridLayout to place all the players right but then when I join the game that GridLayout just disappears.
Maybe there is an answer out there but I never found it so sorry if I just repeat what someone else has said…
Yeah. One the things I thought could be the problem was the frame itself but I don’t really know how to fix it. The problem tho is like when the game starts the whole GrisLayout disappears from the frame.
Roblox needs to fix the ScrollFrames, I suggest make a bigger UI so you can fit every player in the server on this list, if you can’t fit them all, lower the player count.
This was my fault guys!
I did a little mistake in my code so there was no GUI problem. So I am checking if there already is a frame for the player and I just checked if the name was there, if not then it would remove it. Then of course I have the grid layout there and it didn’t recognize the name as a player name so it removed it.
I just forgot to do if object:IsA("Frame") then --FUNCTION-- end