UIGridLayout makes frames look ugly

Hi! I want to make a simple shop gui, but the issue is that using UIGridLayout doesn’t add a gap between the edge of the main frame and the frames inside.

I’ve tried adding another frame behind it, but that doesn’t work. Thank you for any help!

Change your HorizontalAlignment to Center, and then add CellPadding on the scale, not the offset. This should help.

Also adding UIPadding to this will also help, just add some to the PaddingLeft under the scale part, maybe around 0.1.

What do you mean CellPadding on the scale? Are you talking about CellSize?

In the UIGridLayour, add to the CellPadding as shown in pic (in the scale part), and also center align it under HorizontalAlignment… if you want it to remain left justified (and not centered) then instead use the UIPadding as also shown below and add to the PaddingLeft under scale also:

Edit: if you expand CellPadding you will see Scale and Offset… use scale:

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It kinda works, thanks I guess

Tell me what doesnt look right, and I will continue helping.

If you want, change the alignment back to the left side, and also use the UIPadding. This should keep it to the left side, but with some space.

I did some tinkering around and it worked, sorry for not telling you earlier

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