local ui = script.demo:Clone()
ui.Parent = script.Parent
When I manually put it in, it works
I have a UIGridLayout in script.Parent
but when I look at 2+ they are on top of each other
local ui = script.demo:Clone()
ui.Parent = script.Parent
When I manually put it in, it works
I have a UIGridLayout in script.Parent
but when I look at 2+ they are on top of each other
When you move demo to the parent of the script, then duplicate demo, are they still on top of each other?
Yes, when I set it to the parent, they are still on top of each other
Is script.Parent a scrolling frame?
Nope, script.Parent
is a regular frame.
So if you arrange your uis like this it still overlaps
When I manually put it in, it works
And you’re sure the script is running?
The script is running, all of it works except the grid layout
I was using ClearAllChildren()
which deleted the UIGridLayout