UiGridLayout not the same size on all devices

How could i make the UiGridLayout have the same position and size for all devices ?

PC :

Mobile :

Using the “Unit Conversion” plugin doesnt work for UiGridLayout

For the size, are you using offset?
If you don’t what I mean, this is what size looks like.
{xScale, xOffset}, {yScale, yOffset}
Offset means the ui will be the same size for every device, giving you the problem you have now (I think)
Scale means it will fit a certain area of the device, which I believe is your endgoal here.
Same thing with position do that too.

Also I can’t see clearly but when using device testing make sure to set it to “Fit to window” It helps alot (I can’t see top of your screen so idk if you have it on)


Use UISizeAspectRatio to configure the relative size of the GUI on all devices

A link to it may be found here

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