UIListLayout Glitch

I’m trying to make a small chat program that uses an UIList layout to order the messages. Each message i set the canvas position to 1e6 in the Y axis, but sometimes, it doesn’t seem to work and the message gets cut off and the last messages seem to have no padding, even when i have set the padding to 0.1 in the UIList layout. Ideas on how to fix this? (sorry about the category, not sure where else to put this)

(it’s scrolled to the maximum here)

Here’s the script

	if messageInfo == false then
		Cooldown.Visible = true
		Cooldown.Visible = false
	local Message = script:FindFirstChild("MessageTemplate"):Clone()
	local MessageText = Message:FindFirstChild("Message")
	local PlrIcon = Message.PlrIcon
	PlrIcon.Image = messageInfo.Icon
	MessageText.Text = string.format("<font transparency='0.5'><font size = '7'>%s</font></font> %s: %s",messageInfo.Time,messageInfo.Username,messageInfo.Message)
	Message.LayoutOrder = #Texts:GetChildren() - 2
	Message.Parent = Texts
	if (#Texts:GetChildren() - 2) > Configs.MaxMessages then
		local lastMessage,lowestOrder

		for _, currentMessage in ipairs(Texts:GetChildren()) do
			if currentMessage:IsA("Frame") then
				if not lastMessage or currentMessage.LayoutOrder < lowestOrder then
					lastMessage = currentMessage
					lowestOrder = currentMessage.LayoutOrder

		if lastMessage then
	Texts.CanvasPosition = Vector2.new(0,1e6)

UIListLayout’s properties:

It might have to do with OffSet, try putting it to 0, in doing so you might have to rework all your UI though, assuming all their OffSets are normal. Find it in the Ui Size.

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Offset from what item? I’m using mostly scale for the GUI stuff

The scrolling frame size, expand it, and change the offsets of X and Y to 0, might have to do the same with texts messages that pop up.

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The offsets are both 0, though. Unless you’re talking about another type of size

no no no, not the canvas size, the Size, the very first one {1,0},{0.65,0} if it doesnt help then idk, ill be out so gtg :skull:

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Oh, alright, it didn’t quite fix the problem though. Thanks for answering :happy1: