UIListLayout is broken w/gamepad selection/scrolling for scrolling frames

This is a bug I discovered a few days ago w/scrolling frames and UIListLayout.

If you use UIListLayout in a scrolling frame, the gamepad selection option is broken. It will randomly go up/down w/the scrolling bar and beyond/before where the gui’s selected object is. Actual selection is not affected, that still behaves (I checked using guiservice.SelectedObject), only where the position of the scrolling frame is. Using a uigridlayout w/a max object of 1 per row will behave the same as uilistlayout, but without the bugged behavior.

Gif of behavior: https://gyazo.com/695b4342352b863057c7e24e0286e06a

Repo place:Baseplate.rbxl (23.0 KB)

Repo steps:
Open place w/xbox controller connected, press the back button (The button w/the two overlapping squares) to select the UI, and start scrolling down/up. Enough scrolling and it’ll start bugging out.


Hey @Belzebass - thank you for reporting this issue. We’ve opened up a ticket to investigate.

Take care!


Any updates on this? It’s still occurring w/gamepads and Xbox One.

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Can say this is occuring for me too!! Very frustrating


Happens to me as well! Would appreciate an update @DrRanchDressing

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Hey @FunnelCreator thanks for bumping this thread. I will check with the owning team and ensure this still has visibility in their backlog!