So i have a uipagelayout that constantly has an element added/removed to it based on the user hovering over a frame.
the first time you hover over the frame all works fine, but once you leave and bring your mouse back into it, the element shows up in there in explorer but is not visibly there:
Unfortunately, I’m terrible with UIPageLayouts, but I’m curious what the values are with the page, and the position of the GUI (is it off screen?). Otherwise, I’d say this is a bug.
Yes! The Gui should be on screen, but I would like to know what ClipsDescendants is and what would happen if it’s changed. Otherwise, I think it might be a bug or a very vague issue with some code.
clip descendants is true, and the same happens while its false; and I don’t think its a code issue as there’s no code that adjusts the page layout or its parent, the only thing the code does is change the parent of the element being inserted into the page layouts frame.
So, I have no idea what it is. I think this is a bug because the UIPageLayout was always buggy in the first place, since I cannot find out why this would happen. What would be interesting is if multiple pages were set up, I would like to see what would happen when scrolling through them.
For a hacky workaround, I’d suggest adding another blank page and constantly switching to the first one when hovering. That should work, right?
I’m wondering if it will, since normally UIPageLayouts sometimes get stuck in a blank page when there’s one page (at least in this case, but I’ve seen it happen in other cases).