UIs cloning based off the amount of players in game

Hi so basically I want a UI to be cloned when a player chooses a register, it works fine when only one player is in game but when there is multiple players, I cloned the amount of players there are to the certain player.

function Cashier:Init()
	for i,slots in pairs(registerSpots) do
		--local connection
			local player = returnPlayer(hit)
			if player and self.Donutss.CashierDebounce == false then
				self.Donutss.CashierDebounce = true
					local humanoidRoot = returnHumanroot(hit)
					self:Occupy(slots.Name, humanoidRoot, player)

-- {0.347, 0},{0.793, 0} Occupy Option
-- {0.796, 0},{0.842, 0} Occupied Notif
-- {0.427, 0},{0.874, 0} Leave

function Cashier:Occupy(object, instance, player)

		if workspace.Register.Spots:WaitForChild(object).Taken.Value == "false" then
		if  self.Donutss.debounce == false then
			self.Donutss.debounce = true
				if self.Registered == false then
				local playerGui = game.Players:WaitForChild(player.Name):WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
				local confirmOccupation = script.OccupationConfirm:Clone()
				confirmOccupation.Parent = playerGui