UIScale does not go from centre of UIelement if using UIListLayout

When using UIScale on an object thats controlled by UIListLayout, its size is always based on the top left corner of the UI, even when AnchorPoint is 0.5,0.5

ezgif.com-gif-maker (37)

AnchorPoint is 0.5, 0.5

UIListLayout is set to centre


mmm it sure is in the center? :thinking:

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Can you please attach a reproduction file for this bug? I am having problems reproducing it.

Thank you!


I’m also having this problem right now. Do you still need a repro file?

I have buttons in a list at the bottom right corner of my screen and their AnchorPoint is set to 1, 1, so I expect it to scale inwards, but instead it acts as if it’s 0, 0 and scales past the screen.

Default (UIScale - x1)


Issue (UIScale - x2)


Expected behavior


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Sorry, I must have missed this, here’s a quick repro
UI Bug repro.rbxl (33.0 KB)
When you click the button on the left, it causes the button on the right to move and change positions, but when you click the button on the right, the left button does not move.

It’s scaling from 0,0, even though both buttons are 0.5,0.5 on anchorpoint and list layout has centre for both axis set.

To me, UIScale should be based on the AnchorPoint setting. So if I have them set to 0.5, 0.5, it should scale from centre, not the top left

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