UIScale is not working with AutomaticScale

This is how the UI looks with UIScale 1:

This is how the UI looks with UIScale 1.5:

As you can see, the relative space between the lines and the text are inconsistent. It’s wrong when the UIScale is not 1.

Repro file:
_UIProblem.rbxl (62.6 KB)

Might be related to UIScale does not apply properly with AutomaticSize

Expected behavior

I expect the UI in the second screenshot to look like the UI in the first screenshot, but bigger. But the spacing has changed.


I want to add to this bug that when UIScale also bugs the other direction, as in below 1. When it’s 0.7 for example, some text gets omitted:

"The game is an early stage of … " should be 2 lines instead of 1 line.

Thanks for the report! Just to confirm, we have a ticket filed in our internal database for this issue.

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