UIScale Keep Parent Size Offset?

I’m trying to make a frame that keeps a specific offset of 16 pixels from all sides of the screen and allowing content to be resized using a UIScale for people that find text hard to read.


The UIScale is changing the 16 pixel offset of the parent frame that I need.


  1. I moved the UIScale from the ScreenGui into the frame. This ended up resizing the parent which is not what I wanted.

  2. I tried to put the frame in a frame and moved the UIScale around from the ScreenGui into the Frame and into the Frame’s Frame. This led to the same results as before.

Before Setting UIScale :white_check_mark:


What Happens :x:


What I Need :white_check_mark:


Here is a bare-bones baseplate with the problem in StarterGui:
Baseplate.rbxl (31.9 KB)