UIStroke and ClipsDescendants issue

I was working on UIStrokes and I attempted to rotate a GUI with a UIStroke & ClipsDescendants and this was the outcome:


  • None so far. It only happens if I modify the rotation property of a gui object with UI stroke & clips descendants

I’m not sure if this is intended behavior or a bug. I also do not have permissions to post bug reports, so I don’t know what to really do with this information other than ask about it here.

If you want to test this bug yourself, here’s a repro file to test:
repro.rbxl (33.5 KB)

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Roblox will not clip anything with a rotation property that’s not 0.

This has been an issue for a very long time now, not sure if it’s intentional or not:


Well, that’s unfortunate. Thank you for finding this post, clearly I’m blind.